So, it's a bit late, as newer chromebooks have already come out, but I just wanted to save people the trouble of compiling linux kernel 3.4.0 (x86_64)
It took a long while and I ran into many errors
To check if you're running this kernel, type in uname -m in linux (chroot and ChrUbuntu should both work). Then type in uname -r. If these display x86_64 and 3.4.0, respectively, then you can use these to run VMs.
Here are the links:
Linux headers 3.4.0
Linux image 3.4.0
First you have to install dkms
sudo apt-get install dkms
Then you install the image and headers
sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/linux-image*
sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/linux-headers*
Then you can install virtualbox
If you do sudo apt-get install virtualbox, it'll fetch a very old version.
It is recommended to instead download the latest debian package from their website and install it.
Some Chrome OS versions support VMX and some don't. I haven't found a way to enable VMX yet, so you won't be able to run 64 bit guests or enable VT-x. VT-x is usually around a 10% performance boost, but you shouldn't be doing heavy gaming anyway.
I've benchmarked some VMs and it seems that running a VM with VT-x results in a 7% performance loss and running a VM without VT-x results in a 17% performance loss (CPU).
If this doesn't work (it should), install dkms and virtualbox-4.1.12 (it only works on this version), and then install this package:
There are a few scripts to compile linux headers for your own install, but that takes a lot of time and can cause lots of frustration. I encourage you to post links if you successfully compiled a different version.
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